

Stay updated on Jane Chevertone 's latest works and upcoming releases. Follow the author on social media and join the community of readers who have fallen in love with these lovable dinosaurs.

About Author


Jane Cheverton is a master storyteller who brings you on a captivating adventure with " The Pacific Dinosaurs." Dive into a heartwarming tale of friendship, resilience, and the joy of sharing in this enchanting world where dinosaurs embark on a quest to find a new home.


What Readers Say

    A Dino-mite Adventure! The Pacific Dinosaurs children's book is an absolute delight! My kids couldn't get enough of the enchanting storyline and vibrant illustrations. It's the perfect blend of education and entertainment. Highly recommended for young explorers and dino enthusiasts!

    Danielle Steel

      Magical Journey for Young Minds! Jane Cheverton's storytelling in The Pacific Dinosaurs is pure magic. The imaginative narrative and charming characters captured my child's imagination from start to finish. A must-read for any young adventurer!

      William Christie

        Educational and Engaging! As a parent, I appreciate the educational value packed into The Pacific Dinosaurs. Not only does it entertain, but it also sparks curiosity about prehistoric times. The clever storytelling and beautiful illustrations make it a bedtime favorite in our house. Two thumbs up!

        Jackie Archer

          Magical Journey for Young Minds! Jane Cheverton's storytelling in The Pacific Dinosaurs is pure magic. The imaginative narrative and charming characters captured my child's imagination from start to finish. A must-read for any young adventurer!

          William Christie


          Discover enchanting tales and captivating narratives on Jane Cheverton's website. Immerse yourself in a world of magic and wonder through her engaging blogs.

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